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Slow Down!

Nicky Espinosa

Have you ever fought the urge to say what you really want to say, because deep down you know there's no way that would help?

Something happened to me yesterday that hasn't happened in awhile.  I got angry.  I get frustrated all the time, but I'm not quick to anger. But this…this really ticked me off. It was unsettling. And for a minute I nearly let it cloud my judgment.

But I know myself well.

I've done a ton of personal growth to recognize my blind spots.  And this was a situation that triggered me.  It resurfaced an old wound and my fight response was ready to battle.

So I did something that the old me would never do… I slowed down and took a step away.

Rather than rushing in to get to the bottom of it, I chose to observe.  I recognized my anger and gave myself some space.

Before I did the inner work this would have gone down differently, with swift action that may have done more harm than good.

It's way too easy to get swept up by the pressures of a busy job and feel like you have to move faster, but that's not always true. 

Moving too quickly can cause different problems. In the past, I've jumped in and created more chaos or missed an opportunity to empower staff because I wanted to 'fix’ it.

Not this time.  This time I leaned on the inner resilience I've built.  I allowed myself to take a step back and slow down. I cleared my head so I can find the best course of action moving forward.

This resilience doesn't just happen. It comes from doing the inner work. 

Leadership is personal. Your growth should be personal too.



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